Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Disappointing Watchmen Movie

My highly anticipated movie turned to be my biggest disappointed.

When I first watched the preview of Watchmen, I thought this is going to be action-packed, emotion-driven, blood-racing helluva movie. But I was so wrong.

Sure, there was the usual mark of the movies made by Legendary pictures - Sin City & 300's cinematic effects are still very much present in the movie. However, the storyline was admittedly, well, boring. Too many emphasis on the side stories and yet, when you watch the movie, you can sum up each and every one's sob stories in 30 minutes or less. The real action only started when Nite Owl and Silk Spectre decided to start being vigilantes again.

i give credit to the filmmakers for at least closely relating the screenplay to the original graphic novel. From the start of the story, until Rorschach's demise, is very much like the comic book itself.I understand that in order to appreciate the grandiose design of the whole plot, you have to immerse yourself in the stories that surround each of the characters. However, there was little opportunity for you to absorb the events as it transitions to another side of the story.

This is one of those movies that I can say whose original material should have been left as is. It has to take a lot of modification and approval from the the make of the comic novel to make it adaptable to film, since the plot of this story is beyond just the ordinary - its dark, gory and even sexual content is better left in the graphical form.

Three candies out of five.

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