Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Today I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button while waiting for a job interview somewhere in the south, and I cannot help but marvel at how this movie actually brought me to tears. What would YOU do if you lived your life backwards?

The manner of how it was filmed, very much like Forrest Gump, is quite obvious, considering that Eric Roth is the same author who penned Gump. But the poignancy of the story is so moving that for one moment you would think and say, "please stop growing young".

The movie started when the father, played by Jason Flemyng, shocked to see the grotesque baby his wife bore him, left the frail Benjamin on the steps of an elderly home and was found by Queenie, played by Taraji Henson. His mind was that of a toddler, but his features, his frail body, resembled that of an 80-year-old man. The movie started picking up in his "teens", after joining a tugboat en route to Russia, and after meeting the wife of a politician/spy (Tilda Swinton). There he had his first real taste of a love affair, although it was cut short, at the onset of World War II. Throughout the film, he stumbles upon Daisy, from a sweet 5 -year old, to the diva ballerina who lives her life - New Yorker style. Their attempt, however, to make a harmonious relationship together did not happen until they were able to meet halfway - Pitt now looking very much like himself,and Cate Blanchett looking very womanly and desirable in one of her best performances ever. The most poignant scene for me, would be the moment when the infant Benjamin closed his eyes while the elderly Daisy looked on.

While watching the film, one can wonder, whether it was better to live your life the way we should - from birth to old age, or live your life backwards, exploring the world until you're too young to comprehend the beauty of life. But the beauty of the life lies in the performances of Pitt and Blanchett, who both breathed life in the characters of Benjamin Button and Daisy.

It's a beautiful movie...my five sweet candies are all in this film.Beautifully made. A sweet tear-jerker indeed.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My 2008 Sweet Candies

Looking back at 2008, it has been a year of tears and cheers for me and I can't help but reminisce the nice places I've dined at...Okay, so I am a certified foodie addict. But that doesn't mean that I gobble up every morsel I can find in every restaurant I've been to. Just want to cite all the fave restaurants I've been to for the year 2008.

1. Brazil! Brazil!
Ah, the succulent roasted beef and pork and sausages and pineapple...wait, roasted pineapplie?!? Yup, at Brazil! the famous churrasco style of dining comes to life. They usually serve around 14 churrascos in the evening, and around 10 churrascos during lunch time. Churrasco is basically barbecued meat on big skewers and served along with salads. I has the pleasure of eating twice in this restaurant and I enjoyed their tenderloin steak and delectable cuttlefish. Schublig is also served along with jumbo hotdogs and chicken. Thier delectable side dishes and salads are bountiful to help freshen up the palate. A definite no-no for those who are suffering from hypertension, but who would not miss this mouth-watering treat? Get your Catapress ready, and make sure your stomachs are emptied before heading this restaurant, 'cause you're in for a treat!

2. Cafe d'Asie, Bellevue
Who would not forget the mouth-watering rib-eye steak at Cafe d'Asie? While some would serve it by the gram, as what they advertise it, they serve it "buffet-style"! Oh yes, the everyday buffet at Cafe d'Asie boasts of an international variety from good ol' American dishes to Japanese to Filipino and loads to sweet-enders to your meal. Pricey, but considering the cafe is part of Bellevue Hotel, it's worth the price. And hey, you can enjoy your rib-eye steak with gravy or barbecue sauce and have it sliced on how thick you want it to be. Yum-yum. Not so good on sushis though. But then, the rib-eye steak is calling...

3. Taal Vista Hotel
I had the privilege of eating here twice during our planning session and it's absolute heaven especially in the evening buffet. The salad bar hosts an array of different salads and entrees that will tickle your palate. International dishes are also offered, but their Japanese buffet with unlimited tempura is sooo good. Their teppanyaki is also good. Really good.

4. Rack's
The return of Rack's! How I miss their baby back ribs and that barbecue sauce!!!! When it opened at Festival Mall I promised myself that I will dine in and enjoy that meal. I fufilled that prmise and ate together with my hubby and son. We ordered the baby back ribs meal and onion rings and enjoyed it with that barbeque sauce that used to be part of any grocery shelf. Bring back the sauce!!!

5. Don Henrico's
Ok, it may just be the usual restaurant on the block, but hey, let's admit it: the Buffalo wings are absolutely delicious. And their pizza is downright Italian. Just good. Mmm.

A lot more restaurants, grills and bars have caught my facy eye, but these restaurants would probably be my top five restaurants because of their good food and fine place. Yep, definitely my sweet candies for 2008. :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Tale of the Potter

I was browsing through Google and I stumbled upon Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The supposed- to-be-shown-in-December movie that was delayed for another half-year already has a full trailer and another one that can be found in Rottentomatoes.com. Seems to me everything is good for viewing; so why the delay? (Oh, by the way, another one for international release can be found at http://www.traileraddict.com/trailer/harry-potter-and-half-blood-prince/feature-trailer.

While many revel at the seemingly expensive and well-programmed special effects for this film, many wonder as to why this film needs to be delayed. Some say that the global economic crisis has taken its effect to the movie industry, thus affecting a lot of movies that were supposed to be shown in the holidays.

Seems to me that the trailer itself speaks for another sure-fire blockbuster when the movie will open soon. The special effects are spectacular as always, and the actors, led by Danielle Radcliffe, are "growing" beautifully on screen. The role of Ginny Weasley seems to be more apparent (Harry Potter fans know that she is actually the object of Harry's affection) and the grim realization that Voldemort is more powerful than ever. While the movie now focuses on the aspect of teenage love, the fact remains that Harry is given the task of finding Voldemort's weakness, being the "Chosen One".

I hope the movie will bring more animation in this book by JK Rowling as well as continue to fascinate fans and moviegoers alike.

My verdict? I give it 3.5 out of 5 sweets. :)

Happy New Year to All!

Happy New year guys!

It's the start of the new year, and the start of something new.

Soon I'll be posting me reviews and I appreciate it if you will let me know how I'm doing.
